Do you often wonder if your cat can see colors while chasing different objects with bright colors or lights? The answer is yes and no! Cats can see colors but not all the shades as their vision is quite limited. To know more about this, let’s dive into the details and explore everything about your cat’s vision so that you can understand how they see the world. Read through to explore more. Understanding the anatomy…
Come summer and all pet parents start worrying about flea and tick infestations in their furry friends. But, are our pets protected from these…
Feline pet parents know well that cats are meticulous groomers. But their love for grooming scares us with the fact that they may unintentionally…
There’s an old saying that goes, A cat’s a cat, and that’s that. While cats are definitely adorable and interesting pets, they are also…
As cat parents, it is our responsibility to prioritize the health and happiness of our feline companions. However, when it comes to declawing, a…
Adding a furry member to the family is a joy that can’t be described in words. Whether you have brought in a newborn or…
Ticks can be a real nuisance for our beloved pets, attaching themselves to their fur and potentially causing various health problems. From discomfort and…
Want to keep your Indoor cat happy and content? Some Tricky Things to Follow.. Your feline friend is most probably the most happening thing…
With National Kitten Day around the corner, it’s time we started preparing for one of the furriest and warmest days of the year for…