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Heartworm is a life-threatening disease that has an adverse effect on the health of the pet. Although this disease can be treated, the process can be extremely painful for the pet and also very long. It is also very costly; and so veterinarians in our country recommend to prevent this disease altogether, by administering Heartworm Preventative Treatment on a regular basis to your pet.

Let us now look at some of the uncanny facts about heartworms:

Heartworms Are Transmitted By Mosquitoes

Heartworms are long, spaghetti-like parasites that reside in the heart or pulmonary arteries of the pet. These worms can cause various diseases in the pet by clogging their heart and major heart vessels. They can reduce the blood supply to other vital organs of the pet’s body, including kidney, lungs and liver.

Let us now look at how heartworms get into the heart of the pet. When a mosquito bites an infected heartworm animal the heartworm larvae gets transmitted in the mosquito. When this mosquito bites a pet, the heartworm larvae gets into his body. The larvae migrate for several months before arriving in the heart or pulmonary arteries of the pet. Once the larvae mature it begins to release immature heartworms known as microfilaria.

Microfilaria reside in the blood of the pet for approximately one month and may in turn be ingested by mosquitoes feeding on the pet. But the good thing is that heartworms cannot be transmitted directly from one pet to another.

The other thing is that usually heartworm finds the direct route to the heart and lungs of the pet, but in case, if it gets lost, then the pet can have an adverse effect on the other organs, where it goes. But, there have been cases where the pets have lost their sight because the heartworm got into the eyes of the pet. Hence, every pet owner needs to take this disease seriously and try to prevent it altogether.

Heartworms Are Present In Our Country

Heartworm infections can be found all across the globe. But these mosquitoes are also prevalent in our country. It has been found that this disease is mostly found in the south and southeast regions of our country. Hence, it is important to keep a watch on the figures and ensure that you regularly administer heartworm preventive treatments to your fur babies for their overall well-being and protection from this fatal disease.

Even Indoor Pets Can Get Heartworms

It has generally been found that outdoor pets are more prone to heartworm disease, but indoor pets are not immune from it. In fact, it has been researched that approximately 25% of cats diagnosed with heartworms are indoor cats!!! Hence, the best way to protect your fur babies from this disease by administering an effective heartworm preventive treatment.

Heartworm Disease Is 100% Preventable

Heartworm infection can be fatal for the pet. The treatment is available in dogs, but it carries some degree of risk and is totally contingent on the severity of the infection. There is no approved treatment for cats. But this disease can be prevented by giving heartworm preventive treatments like Sentinel.

This oral treatment prevents heartworm disease and is even effective against fleas and intestinal parasites like hookworms, roundworms and whipworms. In addition to this, it is recommended to take your furry pal for annual heartworm testing. A simple blood test would ensure that your pet is not affected which can be a green signal to commencing the monthly heartworm treatment.

Have you commenced heartworm preventive treatment dose to your pet? If not; do it today, only after conducting a heartworm test and consulting with your veterinarian.

Buy Heartworms Preventive Treatment


Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.