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Despite being dog parents for a long time many dog parent fails to perform the task of giving pills to their dog in a proper way. Some dogs hide when they get to know that the time has come to eat the pills and some are master in not eating the pills at all by knowing the trick that you are going to use on them to give them a pill.

Here is the 5 best and easy way to give a pill to your dog that will definitely help you in future at the time of giving a pill to your dog.

Wet Food

Food is the best way through which you can give a pill to your dog. You can use various tricks using foodstuff. Hide a pill in his food and mix some liquid or wet smelly foods that entice your dog towards its food. Canned salmon is one of the options. The enticing fish smell has the power to cover the smell of the pills. It is extremely easy to administer as it can be disguise in your dog’s food.

Act Fake

Dogs are smart enough to know that you are mixing the pills in their food. So what you need to do here is play a smart game. Make a treat for your dog containing pill in it. Keep the treat on the platform and take something out of the fridge for you. Act fake that you are preparing something for yourself. While acting fake drop a part of a treat that has a pill in it. The dog will eat it as soon as you drop it and you acted well.

Food Play

You will definitely think what is food play? Food play is also one of the creative tricks that can be used to give a pill to your dog. Make some treats and one big treat that holds pill inside it. Give it one by one randomly. As the dog is focusing on food, give him the one having a pill in it. Game over and your task is completed.

Paw Licking trick

Everyone knows that dogs like to lick their paws. Why not use a trick on paw licking. If you need to give a liquid or powder as a remedy then you can mix it with the butter or any other food item that your dog is fond of licking. Put that butter on the top of your dog’s front paws. As soon as you put it on your dog’s paw he will lick it and you will like it.

Use The Distraction Trick

You will notice that most of the time when your dog is playing in a park or in your backyard or when you take them for a ride he is involved in its own world. During that time dogs are less likely to show interest in other things. You can easily give the treat having a pill in it and he will eat it without giving much attention to it.

Isn’t these are the best trick to give a pill to your dog? Then why to wait? pick one trick and go for it.


Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.