CanadaPetCare March Sale 2022

Pet poisoning has become a menace with the occurrence of more than 100,000 cases in America last year. This overwhelming number is ironic especially in a pet loving country. It also raises fingers towards ignorance of pet parents. Pet parents are often lacking basic knowledge about food items, plantations and insects that are harmful and toxic for their pet. Most of the time poisoning in pets is an accidental affair and happens to curious and unsupervised pets.

July and August are considered the most dreadful months as these are the times when pets catch up poisonous effects from flea and tick treatments, insecticides and herbicides. These are warm months in which demands fleas treatments. Certain pets face poisoning as a side effect of these treatments. Apart from that, pets also face toxicity problems by eating rodenticides, household cleaners, paints etc. At times, they imbibe toxicity from walking on lawns that treated with pesticides.

Most common reasons for pet poisoning are:

  • Insecticides/Herbicides/Rodenticides
  • Products for human treatments
  • Chocolates and other toxic human foods
  • Plants
  • Garden products
  • Garage products

Most of the times, pets are accidentally poisoned due to insecticides present in the flea and tick treatments, parasite treatments etc. These can be due to oversensitivity of the pet towards any of the ingredient of the treatment. Vet consultation at the earliest will help in these cases.

Human treatments may not suit the pet. They can develop allergies, side effects and contra reactions like poisoning. So, do not administer human treatments to your pet unless an experienced vet suggests it.

Many human foods are not suitable to the pet’s system. Your kitty or puppy should not be given chocolates, raisins, avocados, mushrooms, grapes, salmon, Macademia nuts, coffee, sugar, corncobs, vitamins, bread, rawhide, cake, gum etc. Ask a vet for a list of foods harmful for the pet.

Snail baits and metaldehydes cause tremors, twitching and violent shaking in pets. You can get rid of them by giving them vet suggested treatments that would nauseate the pet and force him to either throw up or excrete all the toxins. This will help in removing poisonous substance out of Fido’s body.

Your garden should be pet safe to keep your pets away from toxic plants. Lilies, Marijuana, Tulip, Oleander, Sago Palm, Yew, Cyclamen etc. must not be present in your garden. Ask your vet for list of virulent plants and throw them off your yard. Keep your pets away from those plants in parks also.

Your pup follows you everywhere and in the garage as well. This lovely visit may turn up into a hazard if your pup intakes Motor oil, gasoline, windshield wash etc. from the garage. Just make sure you keep all these items away from your pet to save him from the venomous effects of all these materials.

Symptoms of pet poisoning:

Convulsions, wobbling, diarrhea, panting, vomiting, tremors, twitching, uncontrolled shivering, drooling, black stool, abnormal behavior are some of the common signs suggesting that the pet has taken something malicious. If you spot any of these in your pet then it is time to give a call to the vet’s clinic. In case of emergency just rush to the nearest pet poison control center or vet’s clinic and get your pet treated at the earliest.

Things to do for avoiding pet poisoning:

  • Avoid foods that are harmful for your pet
  • Keep garage material away from your pet
  • Create a pet friendly garden
  • Do not use treatments that are allergic to the pet
  • Keep a pet poison helpline number handy
  • Stay updated with pet related information
  • Gather knowledge about first aid for pets
  • Know your own pet well

On a concluding note, it is apt to say that pet parenting is a responsible role. If you want the pleasures of an unconditional four-legged friend then you must fulfill the duties as well. You must have adequate knowledge about the good and bad things for your pet – be it food, toys or treatments. You need to follow your vet’s guidance, read pet articles and stay updated with the latest happenings in the pet world. Incorporate everything that is good for your pet just as you do it for your kids. All this clubbed with your love will keep your pet healthy, happy and fit. What say?


Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.