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It has been observed that kittens and cats usually get hurt quick easily. Cats have a tendency to hop, bounce and play, hence, there is a lot of vulnerability to cuts, punctures and wounds. But the most important thing for a cat owner is to take care of the furry companion before the situation gets worse. Sometimes the wounds require first hand attention which makes it imperative for cat owners to have a first aid kit with them all the time so that their pet gets well soon from the injury.

The problem with having cats as pets in the house is that they have the tendency of jumping on the gas stove, terrace and windows. Hence, there is a need for basic knowledge of cat wound care. Start with the initial wound cleaning process to commence the treatment immediately. If there is a severe wound which requires immediate emergency care there is a need to contact with the veterinarian as soon as possible. It is also quite necessary for the cat owners to be proactive and prevent any kind of infections too.

Reasons For Cat Wounds

Let us now look at some of the causes that lead to wounds in cats:

  • Animal attacks
  • Burns
  • Falling on the ground
  • Injuries
  • Sharp objects

In order to protect your furry companion from these wounds, it is important to keep your house suitable for your kitty. Eliminate everything that can hurt your kitty. Cushioning the place will help in preventing injuries. Ensure that the gas stoves are covered when you go out. Always ensure that there is a leash on your kitty’s neck so that she does not have a chance to run away from you on the road and meet with an accident.

Let us now focus our attention on things that you can do to take care of the wound of the cat:

Steps For Treating Cat’s Wound

1. Ensure That Your Cat Is Safe And Secure

If you see that your kitty is injured, then the very first thing to do is to make her feel comfortable. She might feel frightened due to sudden injury and may react aggressively. She may even scratch or bite you. So, the very first thing to do is to wrap the kitty in a towel. If you cannot do this because of her injury, then grab her from the scruff of the neck. Ensure that you have someone who can aid you with this.

2. Scrutinize The Wound On The Kitty

Verify the cat’s body and look for signs of bleeding, swelling, cut, pain, limping or missing hair. If your kitty is suffering from minor wounds, she might be alright with first aid. But if it is a major wound, then prompt vet attention might be required. So, evaluate the situation and take requisite steps.

3. Apply Ice On The Injury

In case of a minor injury, the very first thing that you can do is to apply ice around the wounded area. This will aid in decreasing the temperature of the wounded tissues and slow down the metabolic rate. It will also assist in reducing the pain and inflammation.

4. Stop The Bleeding

In order to stop the bleeding it is important to apply a sterile pad over the wound. If the bleeding still does not stop, then take her to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

5. Cut The Fur Around The Wounded Area

For treating the wounded area, it is important to trim the fur around the wounded area. It is also very important to wear surgical gloves and disinfect the needle before use. By trimming the hair around the wounded area, you can reduce the chances of infections and improving the chances of healing.

6. Cleaning The Wound

For cleaning the wound of the kitty, keep her under running water. Alternatively, if your kitty is not fine with standing in running water, use a mild cat wound cleaner to clear off debris and bacteria from the wounded area. Smoothly pluck of traces of grass or other dirt from the wound.

7. Utilize Antiseptic Wound Healing Cream

Apply a thin layer of wound healing cream like Wound Gard on the area. If you think there is a need for bandage, then take her to the veterinarian. Once the procedure is done, check the wound. If you still see redness or inflammation after a couple of days, consult with your veterinarian.

You can even contact your veterinarian through phone and inquire whether you have missed out on anything to treat minor injury. He might suggest some pain killers for speeding the healing process. Give your kitty these painkillers and ensure that there is no further damage to the wound. With some of patience your kitty will be
fit and fine.

Buy Wound Care For Cats


Jesse McDaniel is an animal activist that raises concerns and spreads awareness regarding pet health issues. She is also a self-proclaimed pet lover who tends to support many pet shelters, assisting them with supplies and medical aid on a regular basis.