Cats have been adored in most parts of the world for serving as a great companion to humans since generations. People love to show their affection to the feline community by petting them and taking care of their daily requirements. However, some local policies take away the rights of outdoor cats to roam freely. Either they are confined to shelters where they do not belong to or are euthanized because they do not have an owner. These heinous activities that violate the cat’s right to stay safe outdoors led to the observation of Global Cat Day since 2001.
Every year on October 16th the Alley Cat Allies organize campaigns for strengthening the rights of feral cats to stay in the wild after getting neutered and vaccinated for rabies. This helps to control the population of feral cats and additionally provides protection to them. People can lend their supportive hand from across the world by assisting the movement and saving the rights of wild cats to live under no obligations.
What Can You Do To Help Save A Feral Cat?
If you find a feral or stray cat, take her to the vet and get her neutered. Provide help to shelter caretakers in spaying cats.
- You can also spread awareness regarding the safety of feral cats by organizing campaigns in your society.
- Feral cats are used to find rodents in the food-related businesses these days. You can contact the firm to hire the cat. Business owners provide food, shelter and the required medical care for the working cat so you won’t have to worry about her safety.
- Feral cats often get run over by rash drivers. So, watch out while driving on the streets.
- Feral cats don’t usually make great pets. They are better outdoors so if you know there is a feral cat in your neighborhood, you can simply put some food and water in a bowl in front of your door.
- You can also report about the abandoned cat to the local law enforcement agency.
- Do not let anyone compromise the lives of feral cats.
- If you feel the feral cat in your neighborhood is sick, you can inform about it to the local humane agency for guidance and treatment of the cat.
- Most importantly, do not intrude the privacy of wild cats. Let them stay free and into the woods.
Cats are freedom lovers and like to live a very wandering life. You cannot confine them to a shelter or boundaries of the house if they don’t like to stay in the human company. Let them be the way they are. They are meant to explore and hunt for their food in the wilds and cannot stay behind closed doors. So, do the best you can to support a feral cat lead a healthy and free-spirited life because it is their right. Educate the same to other people. It would be the best way to pay your respect to the wildlife and its caretakers on this Global Cat Day.