CanadaPetCare March Sale 2022

Pet Supplies


There are numerous questions surrounding two key flea and tick products for dogs – Simparica and Simparica Trio. Many pet parents out there are keen to know which between the two is the better option. The answer is not that simple and thus, we will have to take a closer look at both the products. Here we go. Simparica vs Simparica Trio Before we jump into the key differences between both the products, it is…

Having a pet is an awesome feeling. And nowadays, in most households, you will find at least one pet, especially in those houses that have kids. Pets have become a must-have because they not only liven up our lives but also teach us a lot of important things (such as empathy, responsibility, and loyalty), which can also be very beneficial during the kid’s development phase.

A dog’s personality is not only defined by his behavior but also by his appearance. A shiny, lustrous coat will make your furry pal stand out among other pets. However, there are cases where dogs start shedding excessive amounts of hair, which raises a point of concern in pet parents.